Agenda item

Draft Bankside, Borough and London Bridge Opportunity Area Supplementary Planning Document

To approve the draft Bankside, Borough and London Bridge Supplementary Planning Documents for consultation.


An addendum report was circulated in respect of this item.




1.  That the draft Bankside, Borough and London Bridge Supplementary Planning Document (BBLB SPD) (Appendix A); and the following listed documents be noted:


·  Consultation Plan and Consultation Report (Appendix B)

·  Sustainability Appraisal (Appendix C)

·  Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) (Appendix D)


2.  That the comments of the planning committee on the consultation report (Appendix B) be noted and the suggested changes set out in table 1 of the report and addendum be agreed with the following exceptions:


·  Not agreed.  Recommendation to include Southwark Cathedral and environs as a priority for public realm improvements (reference page 41, 4.2.7 and page 77, 6.4.2).


·  Not agreed.  Add at end of 1st paragraph: “and near Bankside Gallery” (reference page 31, 4.1.8).


·  Amend. Reconnect Upper Ground to Hopton Street/Holland Street allowing direct cycle link. Delete reference to cycle link and it be noted that this change cannot happen until development takes places (reference page 37, 4.2.3).


3.  That the draft Bankside, Borough London Bridge Supplementary Planning Document be approved for consultation.


Supporting documents: