Agenda item

Policy and Resources Strategy 2010/11 to 2012/13 -The 2010/11 Revenue Budget (The Budget and Policy Framework) and Medium Term Resources Strategy

To agree a balanced budget for 2010/11 for recommendation to council assembly and agree the updated medium term resources strategy.




1.  That a balanced budget for 2010/11 for recommendation to council assembly on 23 February 2010 as set out in paragraph 18 and appendices A to D of the report, based on a council tax increase of 0%, which is in line with local policy priorities be agreed.


2.  That the updated Medium Term Resources Strategy (MTRS) as set out in Appendix E of the report be agreed.


3.  That in view of the current economic climate and uncertainty with regards future grant settlements, the finance director and other chief officers be instructed to closely monitor and review business and budget plans and processes. 


NOTE: In accordance with the budget and policy framework recommendation 1 will be referred to council assembly for decision.


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