Agenda item

Land Adjacent to Warwick Court, Choumert Road (Rear Of 160-162 Rye Lane), London SE15 4SH


At this point, Councillor Jane Salmon (vice-chair), took the position as chair while Councillor Cleo Soanes (chair), stood down for this item.


Planning application reference 17/AP/1285


Report: See pages 11 to 75 of the agenda pack and addendum pages 1 – 5.




Construction of a part two, part three and part four-storey block for co-living (Sui generis) comprised of 11 rooms with shared facilities, roof pavilion and roof terrace, external walkways, balconies and associated cycle and bin stores.


The committee heard the officer’s introduction to the report and members of the committee asked questions of the officers.


There were no objectors present at the meeting who wished to address the committee.


The applicant’s agents addressed the committee and responded to questions from members.


There were no supporters present, who lived within 100 metres of the development site and wished to speak.


Councillor Esme Dobson was present at the meeting in her capacity as a ward councillor. She read out the written statements from objectors who had expressed concerns about certain aspects of the scheme.  Councillor Dobson then responded to questions from members.


A motion to grant the application as per the officer’s recommendation and subject to amendments relating to conditions 6 and 9 in the addendum report; it was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.




1.  That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions outlined in the report and addendum report, and subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement.


2.  That in the event that a legal agreement not being signed by 2 April 2025, the director of planning and growth be authorised to refuse planning permission, if appropriate, for the reasons set out under paragraph 116 of this report.


Supporting documents: