Planning Application Number: 23/AP/3487
Report: see pages 166 to 256 of the agenda pack and pages 1 to 19 of the addendum report.
Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide one mixed-use building of up to 17 storeys in height, with a single basement, comprising 216 purpose-built shared living units and communal amenity space (Sui Generis) and 1,517 square meters of commercial floorspace (Use Class E), and one mixed-use building of up to 10 storeys in height, with a single basement, comprising 24 homes and communal amenity space (Use Class C3) and 149.6 square meters of commercial floorspace (Use Class E); and public realm, including play space, as well as other associated works.
The committee heard the officer’s introduction to the report and addendum report. Members put questions to officers.
Representatives of the objectors addressed the committee and responded to questions put by members of the committee.
The applicant’s representatives addressed the committee and answered questions put by members of the committee.
A representative of supporters of the application living within 100 metres of the development site addressed the committee, and responded to questions put by members of the committee.
Councillor Kath Whittam addressed the committee in her capacity as a ward councillor and responded to questions from members of the committee. After this Councillor Whittam left the meeting room.
The committee put further questions to officers and discussed the application.
Members asked for the following to be included in the Section 106 agreement:
That the co-living part of the
development not be opened until the affordable housing element has
been delivered
· That the co-living element of the development be used exclusively as a co-living space.
A motion to grant planning permission as on paper was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.
1. That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report and addendum report, the applicant entering into an appropriate legal agreement, and referral to the Mayor of London.
2. In the event that the requirements of paragraph 1 above are not met by 28 February 2025 the director of planning and growth, be authorised to refuse planning permission, if appropriate, for the reasons set out in paragraph 133 of the report.
Supporting documents: