Agenda item

Matters Arising

i)  Children affected by the fire at Lakanal House;

ii)  Sports provision


10.1  Members considered the answer to the request for a brief written update on the general wellbeing of the children affected by the Lakanal fire several months on; and to confirm whether any of the children have been referred for adolescent psychological counseling.


10.2  Members noted that an executive question on counseling to children affected by the Sumner Road fire has been put to Cllr Lisa Rajan.


10.3  A Member asked if there were numbers on children receiving counselling. Pauline Amour; Assistant Director ( Inclusion and Access) responded that this was not possible as children can access counselling in various ways including through their GP and local mental health services and therefore a school would not necessarily know. Welfare officers have contacted the school. It is understood that more people requested counselling following the fire at Sumner Road as over 20 people lost their homes.


10.4  There was a discussion on when families would request counselling and it was noted that the schools offered emotional support.


10.5  Members considered the response from an officer at the Department of children, schools and families regarding the query on sports provision. There was concern that  the response has not clarified if provision of ‘5 hours of  high quality PE and sport per week ; in and out of schools ‘ is aspirational or prescriptive.  Moreover what our Schools actually do is also a pertinent point.




i)  The Chair indicated that the sub-committee would give full support if Cllr Nick Vineall was minded to write a further letter.


ii)  There may be an opportunity for further written questions to be submitted to Cllr Lisa Rajan to clarify the provision of sport in Southwark.

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