Agenda item

Friendship House, 3 Belvedere Place, London SE1 0AD


Planning application reference 23/AP/2122


Report: See pages 68 to 144 of the agenda pack and addendum pages 1 – 93.




Construction of a part one, part two and part three storey upward extension above the existing Friendship House building to provide 62 additional Sui Generis (Hostel) accommodation units, along with 5 additional shared kitchen spaces and an additional communal space in the form of a sky room. Provision of an additional cycle parking spaces within secure area, an enlarged bin storage for increased refuse capacity; and the removal of 1 car parking space at ground floor level.


The committee heard the officer’s introduction to the report. Members of the committee asked questions of the officers.


There were no objectors present at the meeting who wished to speak.


The applicant’s agent addressed the meeting and responded to questions from members.


There were no supporters present, who lived within 100 metres of the development site and wished to speak.


There were no ward councillors present who wished to speak at the meeting.


A motion to grant the application was moved, seconded put to the vote and declared carried.




1.  That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report, and the amended condition outlined in the addendum report and subject to the applicant entering into an appropriate legal agreement.


2.  That in the event that the legal agreement has not been endorsed by 30 January 2025, the director of planning and growth be authorised to refuse planning permission, if appropriate, for the reasons set out in paragraph 164 of the report.

Supporting documents: