Agenda item

Land Adjacent To Warwick Court, Choumert Road (Rear Of 160-162 Rye Lane) London SE15 4SH


Planning application reference 17/AP/1285


Report: See pages 11 to 67 of the agenda pack




Construction of a part two, part three and part four-storey block for co-living (Sui generis) comprised of 11 rooms with shared facilities, roof pavilion and roof terrace, external walkways, balconies and associated cycle and bin stores.


It was proposed that the planning application be deferred, due to the time that had passed since the application was initially submitted and the need for further details about the application’s ecological impact to be included in the report, before it could be considered at committee. 


A motion to defer the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.




That the planning application be deferred to a future meeting.

Supporting documents: