Agenda item

Early Years Review - continued


8.1  There was a recap on the Site Visits planned for the Early Year’s review. Members plan to visit to Kintore Way and Robert Browning. Kintore Way Nursery School’s provisional meeting will be rescheduled. Robert Browning visit is scheduled for 28 January 2010. Details will be circulated to Members.  Members commented that it would be good to visit another couple of providers and both a private and community nursery would be ideal.


RESOLVED Mike Smith will provide details of another couple of providers; both a private and community nursery if possible.


8.2  Session/s will be organised at Sunshine House for Members of the committee to meet parents and childminders. The Chair also reported that Rachael had conducted two telephone interviews with parents and these will be written up and circulated


8.3  Sharon Donno, Member and head teacher of Kintore Way commented that that they would particularly welcome the visit  to look at the impact of the SFF. There is concern that the move to ‘participation’ rather than ‘places’ will negatively impact on those children who are transitioning from a ‘Toddler’ place into an Early Year's place. The ethos of the centre is to ensure that children can make these smooth transitions but the present SFF proposals would mean either the parents would face extra charges they could not meet, or it would adversely affect the nurseries economic viability.


8.4  Members recapped on the focus of the Early years review and the ability of providers to meet demand. Waiting list information would be useful however caveats were raised as a many parents put their children on a number of waiting lists.


RESOLVED Mike Smith will supply some sampled waiting list information.


8.5  There was a discussion about the need to refine the focus of the review; particularly in light of the full implementation of the SFF now being delayed. Mike Smith said that addressing flexibility, a policy around the allocation of part-time / full-time places, and the effect of SFF on admissions would all be helpful in guiding its implementation. The Committee were advised that although officers are recommending that the Single Funding Formula (SFF) will not be fully implemented this year it remains valuable for the Early Year’s review to inform this process.


8.6   Member raised concerns about children who do not access any formal Early Year’s education. There is concern that those most in need may not be aware of the provision or find it difficult to access. The importance of Early Year’s education in promoting emotional, social and educational development is well-known; however some of the most disadvantaged families may not be accessing it.




The Early Year’s review will focus on the following:


i.  Developing a  policy framework for the allocation of part time and full time places


ii.  Admissions to Early Years ; with particular regard to hard to reach / disadvantaged  groups


A draft will be done ready for the next sub-ommittee meeting.

Supporting documents: