Agenda item

Single Funding Formula - update


7.1  Mike Smith gave an update on the Single Funding Formula and consideration given to the option to defer full implementation for a year. This has been out for consultation and the view from Schools is that there is potential for the shift from funding ‘participation’ rather than ‘places’ to negatively impact on Schools; most thought they would lose. On the other hand the PVI sector probably thought they would gain as they are already funded for ‘participation’.


7.2  There is transitional grant funding for Schools to mitigate any adverse affects. The Schools wanted to defer implementation; the PVI sector wanted to go ahead, so the compromise has been to introduce it for the PVI sector but not the Schools. Those providers who qualify will also benefit from the deprivation funding.


7.3  The other is issue is that if we went ahead this year and fully implemented we would have to make a special application with the legal complexities this involves. Officers do not recommend this option.  Deferring it will give more time for Schools to make adjustments while still giving PVI sectors the additional deprivation funding.


7.4  A Member commented that this is a different recommendation from the report. Mike Smith agreed and explained that this was because they had not received the consultation responses from the head teachers. The other issue is that the Government could change and an upheaval such as this could mean that some nurseries could face part or total closure. Another change that could impact on Schools and the implementation of the SFF is the proposed single admission point – rather than the dual intakes at January and September.


7.5  Mike Smith explained that they are proposing to do a ‘dry run’ whereby the Schools get to see how it would affect their financial position. A Member queried if they were getting additional resources? Mike Smith confirmed they were and this year these additional resources would be targeted at the PVI sector.


7.6  Mike Smith also flagged up that Southwark has a historical framework for part-time / full time places with no policy framework. We want to develop a policy frame work; to target those full time places at those most in need. This review could help with this. This is why we don’t want providers to make these changes until this is completed.


7.7  A Member commented that her Nursery has lots of part time and full time places and this can be challenging to manage. Mike Smith commented that flexibility is an issue that has not been dealt with in depth. It is very difficult for settings to offer complete flexibility and remain economically viable. The duty to offer flexibility is placed on  the Local Authority; not the individual provider. 









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