Agenda item


Deputation requests were received from:


  • Leaseholders in the North Peckham Estate
  • Jenifer Milner, on behalf of shop owners in SE5
  • Zoe Abrams and Peckham residents


As part of the programme motion the meeting agreed to hear deputations from:


Leaseholders in the North Peckham Estate


The group’s representatives spoke to the meeting for four minutes and thereafter asked a question of the cabinet member for council homes.


Jenifer Milner, on behalf of shop owners in SE5


The group’s representatives spoke to the meeting for four minutes and thereafter asked a question of the cabinet member for climate emergency, jobs and business.


Zoe Abrams and Peckham residents


The group’s representatives spoke to the meeting for four minutes and thereafter asked a question of the cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development.

Supporting documents: