The licensing officer presented their report. Members had had no questions for the licensing officer.
The applicant addressed the sub-committee. Members had questions for the applicant.
The meeting adjourned at 12.10pm in order for members to take legal advice.
The meeting reconvened at 12.25pm.
That the application made by Irina Elizabeth Solorzano Chango for a premises licence to be granted under s.17 of the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of the premises known Rincon Costeno, Arch 146 Maldonado Walk, Eagle Yard, Hampton Street, London SE1 6SP be adjourned until 10:00 hours on 20 June 2024 for Licensing as a responsible authority and the Metropolitan Police Service to attend.
When asked by the licensing sub-committee, the applicant initially stated that she was not connected with the previous operation of the premises when it was known as Pasaje Primavera that had its premises licence revoked on 10 August 2024. When probed by members, it transpired that the applicant was in fact related to the previous owners; the Applicant had taken over the premises and that family members would assist in the operation in the premises.
While the application being considered was for a premises licence, the sub-committee was conscious of the sentiment of paragraphs 94 and 95 of Southwark’s statement of licensing policy 2021-2025:
“95. Where, such applications are made, this Authority will require documented proof of transfer of the business / lawful occupancy of the premises (such as a lease), to the new proposed licence holder to support the contention that the business is now under new management control”.
The licensing sub-committee recognised that both the responsible authorities conciliated with the applicant and therefore not entitled to make further verbal representations. However, it was unclear whether either were aware the applicant’s connection with the previous owner. In view of this, the sub-committee request that their attendance to confirm:
i. Whether they were aware of the connection.
ii. Whether any documentation was seen proving the transfer of the business/lawful occupancy of the premises (such as a lease) was provided by the Applicant to support the contention the business was under new management control.
iii. In light of this information, whether responsible authorities remain satisfied with the conciliated control measures.
A copy of the transcript of the licensing sub-committee is to be made available to all parties.
Appeal rights
There is no right to appeal this notice of adjournment.
Supporting documents: