Agenda item

2022-23 statement of accounts including the pension fund and audit findings reports


Officers and auditors introduced the report. Members had questions for the officers and discussed issues related to the report.


Members thanked the auditors and officers for their work, and asked officers to: 


·  Present the draft accounts for 2023-24 to the July 2024 meeting of the committee.

·  Provide information by email about whether there are any additional areas which would benefit from being looked at more closely by the committee in future audit years. 

·  Report back to the July meeting of the committee on the various lessons learned.

·  Use a clearer numbering system for future agenda packs.





1.  That the matters raised in Grant Thornton’s audit findings report for the council 2022-23 (Appendix A) be considered before approval of the council main accounts.


2.  That the adjustments to the council’s accounts as set out in pages 37-42 of the audit findings report (Appendix A) be noted.


3.  That the matters raised in the pension fund audit findings report 2022- 23 (Appendix B) be considered before approval of the Pension Fund accounts.


4.  That the adjustments to the pension fund accounts as set out in pages 22- 24 of the audit findings report be noted.


5.  That the letters of representation for the council and pension fund (Appendix C and Appendix D), as required by Grant Thornton in order to conclude the audit of 2022-23 statement of accounts, be approved.


6.  That the Statement of Accounts 2022-23 (Appendix E) be approved.


7.  That the internal audit report on an objection to the 2021-22 statement of accounts (Appendix F) be noted, that it be recommended the Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider this matter in the new municipal year, and that officers provide a report back on this issue to the Audit Governance and Standards Committee in six months’ time.


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