Agenda item

Southwark Homes for Southwark Children Programme Update


Michael Crowe, service development manager presented the report to committee.


Summary of issues discussed / raised


·  Safeguarding of children in homes. It was explained that a report is to be submitted to cabinet on quality assurance framework which will also be submitted to the corporate parenting committee

·  Confirmed also that different layers of regulation and assurance in place for childrens homes

·  Query relating to the acknowledgement of foster carers and the role. Noted measures currently in place to acknowledge work and that a foster carers ball will take place in October.




1.  That the contents of the update on the Southwark Homes for Southwark Children programme of improvement work for the delivery of services to looked after children and care leavers be noted.


2.  That the comments on the progress of the improvement work programme be noted as set out above.


3.  That the quality assurance requested by cabinet also be submitted to the corporate parenting committee.

Supporting documents: