Agenda item

Brief report: Lifelong Links implementation


Officers presented the report to committee.


Issues arising out of discussion


·  Issue of communication raised and confirmed that a flagship launch event is being planned to promote work doing and raise awareness and will ensure all members of the corporate parenting committee are invited

·  Examples quoted of children / young people tracing family members. This work is set against the data protection and safety considerations for the children and young people

·  Acknowledged the positive impact that friends and family can have a young persons life

·  Noted Speakerbox to be involved in recruitment / consultations.




1.  That the Lifelong Links programme and its implementation for children in the care of the council, or those formerly who are care leavers, as part of the Department for Education (DfE) family finding, befriending and mentoring programmes be noted.


2.  That the inclusion of people with lived experience of social work within the Lifelong Links implementation, including children and young people, care leavers, parents and carers be noted.

Supporting documents: