Agenda item

Speakerbox verbal update


Speakerbox made a presentation to committee highlighting the following key points:


Ø  55% increase in engagement compared to the previous year.


Ø  Young people participated in the following ways:


·  Delivered training

·  Recruited senior leadership roles

·  Co-facilitated at the Learning Fest

·  Attended consultations

·  Contributed to cookbook for care experienced young people

·  Attended corporate parenting committee.


Under 13s cohort – principles behind younger group’s engagement


1.  Identification and building sense of self

2.  Containment (feeling safe and held)

3.  Familiarity and consistency (shared experiences)

4.  Role modelling and community building

5.  Voices (sharing knowledge, resources and feedback). The committee heard some direct quotes and feelings as part this presentation.


LEAP leadership programme


During the April half-term Speakerbox members attended the first phase of the leadership residential programme (an interactive programme where young people are able to ignite their personal growth through games and exercise).


The programme provided space for attendees to:


·  Develop new leadership skills

·  Learn how to build positive relationships

·  Develop new methods of problem solving

·  Build confidence and raise self-esteem.


The next phase will include a four-day residential this summer.


The Big Theatre Production


A total of 10 young people participated in the Big Theatre Production in partnership with London Bubble Theatre and Southwark Stands Together against Racism.


A musical story was performed on the 12 April with a dynamic performance piece following a group of young Londoners as they examine, share and draw you into their world.


Positive outcomes for children and young people


Over the past 10 months Speakerbox has provided opportunities for young people which resulted in young people:


·  Developing and acquiring new skills

·  Feeling heard though direct advocacy via children rights officers (CROs)

·  Having a secured base with consistent adults

·  Becoming more confident in public speaking

·  Improved understanding of rights

·  Improved emotional well-being and

·  Having improved aspirations and career paths.


Looking Ahead 2024-25 – key objectives


1.  Rebrand and develop website to extend reach to more children and young people

2.  Attend first residential in over seven years, partially funded by the voluntary sector and LEAP

3.  Campaigning

4.  Working in partnership with human resources in developing a development programme for young people in recruitment.

5.  Staring pod-cast lead by care leavers.


Summary of points arising from discussion of presentation


·  The pressures faced by under 13s and young people generally relating to mental health and pressures of social media

·  The importance of positive role models and use of a key range of activities that helps deliver resilience. Example quoted of the older members of Speakerbox providing positive role models and support for the younger members

·  Importance of consistency and building trust

·  Query about the possibility of holding another performance and to give schools the opportunity to attend

·  Different roles and skills acquired by young people in participating in the theatre production including writing and stage management

·  How the committee can assist young people? Provision of opportunities where young people voices can be heard, a vision and how can influence decision making. Getting  to know the young people so that they are familiar with councillors to make them more comfortable in communicating

·  Young person from Speakerbox voiced the vulnerability felt by young people leaving care and suggested a default job position with Southwark to be offered a job. It was further explained that often when a parent runs / owns a family business and their child is looking for a job it is natural to offer / secure a job with their company. Argued that this should also apply to the council as corporate parents and their care leavers

·  Need to address hurdles, barriers and access jobs

·  Officers confirmed would continue to work with human resources on employment / training opportunities

·  The issue of a venue for the annual care celebration raised.




1.  Noted that discussions with human resources in respect of access to jobs for young people and care leavers will continue.


2.  That Councillor Jasmine Ali discuss the venue issue and the possibility of Mountview for annual care celebration event with the council’s director of planning and growth.