Agenda item

Setting the Council Tax 2024-25


At this juncture the clerk explained that the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, which had come into force on 25 February 2014, required a recorded vote on key budget decisions by local authorities. The regulations required a recorded vote on decisions only.  Therefore in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.16(4) (a roll call recorded vote), an announcement was made at the beginning and end of one minute, after which the vote was taken.


The substantive motion was put to the vote, and the votes having been recorded, the Mayor declared the result as follows:


In favour of the substantive motion (48):


Councillors Suzanne Abachor, Evelyn Akoto, Jasmine Ali, Naima Ali, John Batteson, Cassandra Brown, Maggie Browning, Sunil Chopra, Stephanie Cryan, Ellie Cumbo, Sam Dalton, Helen Dennis, Esme Dobson, Gavin Edwards, Sabina Emmanuel, Natasha Ennin, Sam Foster, Renata Hamvas, Barry Hargrove, Ketzia Harper, Jon Hartley, Youcef Hassaine, Esme Hicks, Emily Hickson, Sarah King, Sunny Lambe, Richard Leeming, Richard Livingstone, James McAsh, Hamish McCallum, Kimberly McIntosh, Darren Merrill, Portia Mwangangye, Margy Newens, Leo Pollak, Reginald Popoola, Sandra Rhule, Bethan Roberts, Catherine Rose, Martin Seaton, Andy Simmons, Michael Situ, Charlie Smith, Cleo Soanes, Chloe Tomlinson, Joseph Vambe, David Watson, Kath Whittam, Kieron Williams, and Ian Wingfield


Against (0):


Abstained (9):


Councillors Rachel Bentley, Victor Chamberlain, Adam Hood Nick Johnson, Graham Neale, Jane Salmon, Emily Tester, Irina von Weise and David Watson


Absent (6):


Councillors Dora-Dixon-Fyle, Laura Johnson, Maria Linforth-Hall, Hamish McCallum, Victor Mills and Jason Ochere


The Mayor declared that the substantive motion was carried.




1.  That the 2024-25 Southwark element of the council tax for band D properties in Southwark, including an increase of 2.99%, be set at £1,321.58 (Appendix B).


2.  That the 2024-25 formal resolution for Southwark council taxes in 2024-25 be approved (Appendix A).


3.  That no discount be applied to properties in the former parish of St Mary Newington for 2024-25.


4.  That Council Assembly noted the Greater London Authority (GLA) proposal to set a precept level of £471.40 for band D, which the GLA will consider on 22 February 2024 (Appendix C).


5.  That the existing local war disability and war widow/widowers’ schemes for housing benefit be continued in 2024-25.


6.  That Council Assembly established a council tax setting committee to set the council tax for the year 2024-25, in accordance with section 67(3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and agreed the role and functions, matters reserved, and political composition (Appendix D).


7.  That Council Assembly appointed the below councillors to serve on the council tax setting committee.



Labour (5)

Liberal Democrat (2)


Cllr Stephanie Cryan

Cllr Rachel Bentley


Cllr Natasha Ennin

Cllr Irina von Wiese


Cllr Sarah King



Cllr Martin Seaton



Cllr Kieron Williams



8.  That Council Assembly appointed Councillor Stephanie Cryan as chair and Councillor Rachel Bentley as vice-chair of the council tax setting committee.


9.  That the special council tax setting committee will meet on Friday 23 February 2024. This will allow council tax notices to be issued in line with the normal statutory timetable.

Supporting documents: