Agenda item

Policy and Resources Strategy: 2024-25 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy


There were six questions on the report, the written responses to which were circulated at the meeting.  There were six supplemental questions.


There were four amendments to this report.


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.14.9, Councillor Stephanie Cryan, cabinet member for communities, democracy and finance, moved the report.


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.14.9, Councillor Adam Hood responded to the cabinet member’s statement.


Councillor Ellie Cumbo moved Amendment A.  This was formally seconded.


Councillor Rachel Bentley, seconded by Councillor David Watson, moved Amendment B.


Councillor Victor Chamberlain, seconded by Councillor Emily Tester, moved Amendment C.


Councillor Irina von Wiese, seconded by Councillor Graham Neale, moved Amendment D.


Following debate (Councillors Emily Hickson, Joseph Vambe, Nick Johnson, Evelyn Akoto, Youcef Hassaine, Jane Salmon, Richard Livingstone, Jasmine Ali, Richard Leeming, Cassandra Brown, Catherine Rose, Ketzia Harper, James McAsh, Esme Hicks, Ian Wingfield, Portia Mwangangye, Cleo Soanes, Margy Newens, Charlie Smith, Chloe Tomlinson, and Kieron Williams), Councillor Stephanie Cryan exercised her right of reply.


Councillor Victor Chamberlain made a point of personal explanation following Councillor Richard Livingstone’s speech.  Councillor Victor Chamberlain asked, following Councillor Portia Mwangangye’s speech, that members not accuse others inappropriately.  The Mayor called for all councillors to treat all participants with respect.  Councillor Victor Chamberlain made a point of personal explanation following Councillor Chloe Tomlinson’s speech.  The monitoring officer asked that councillors bring their concerns to her after the meeting.


Amendment A – Carried


Amendment B – Lost


Amendment C – Lost


Amendment D – Lost


At this juncture the clerk explained that the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, which had come into force on 25 February 2014, required a recorded vote on key budget decisions by local authorities. The regulations required a recorded vote on decisions only.  Therefore in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.16(4) (a roll call recorded vote), an announcement was made at the beginning and end of one minute, after which the vote was taken.


The substantive motion was put to the vote, and the votes having been recorded, the Mayor declared the result as follows:


In favour of the substantive motion (48):


Councillors Suzanne Abachor, Evelyn Akoto, Jasmine Ali, Naima Ali, John Batteson, Cassandra Brown, Maggie Browning, Sunil Chopra, Stephanie Cryan, Ellie Cumbo, Sam Dalton, Helen Dennis, Esme Dobson, Gavin Edwards, Sabina Emmanuel, Natasha Ennin, Sam Foster, Renata Hamvas, Barry Hargrove, Ketzia Harper, Jon Hartley, Youcef Hassaine, Esme Hicks, Emily Hickson, Sarah King, Sunny Lambe, Richard Leeming, Richard Livingstone, James McAsh, Hamish McCallum, Kimberly McIntosh, Darren Merrill, Portia Mwangangye, Margy Newens, Leo Pollak, Reginald Popoola, Sandra Rhule, Bethan Roberts, Catherine Rose, Martin Seaton, Andy Simmons, Michael Situ, Charlie Smith, Cleo Soanes, Chloe Tomlinson, Joseph Vambe, David Watson, Kath Whittam, Kieron Williams, and Ian Wingfield


Against (0):


Abstained (9):


Councillors Rachel Bentley, Victor Chamberlain, Adam Hood Nick Johnson, Graham Neale, Jane Salmon, Emily Tester, Irina von Weise and David Watson


Absent (6):


Councillors Dora-Dixon-Fyle, Laura Johnson, Maria Linforth-Hall, Hamish McCallum, Victor Mills and Jason Ochere,


The Mayor declared that the substantive motion was carried.




1.  That Council Assembly approved:


a.  the final balanced budget as detailed in Table 1 of the report.


b.  the allocation of the additional funding from the final local government finance settlement comprising:


·  £0.072m additional Services Grant

·  £3.272m additional ring fenced Social Care grant

·  An expected £0.970m National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) levy release


as detailed in paragraphs 8-12 of the report.


c.  the refreshed general fund capital programme for the 10 year period to 2033-34 and the refreshed housing investment programme (HIP) for the 10 year period to 2033-34 (paragraphs 21-23 of the report).


2.  That Council Assembly noted:


a.  the 6 February 2023 cabinet report at Appendix 1, which provides details of the draft budget following the local government provisional settlement


b.  the updated Public Health Grant updated allocations (paragraph 16)


c.  the requirement, as stipulated in the Final Local Government Finance Settlement, for the development of a productivity plan (paragraphs 10-11).


3.  Council assembly noted that:


a.  This administration has committed to improving public spaces where women have told us they feel unsafe.


b.  That following a borough-wide consultation, the following five areas were identified by women in Southwark as priority areas for improvement:


·  Burgess Park

·  Canada Water

·  Elephant and Castle

·  Rye Lane

·  Tooley Street


c.  That an environmental visual audit was carried out in each of these five areas in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police Service which highlighted public realm works required to improve the safety of these areas.


4.  Council assembly further noted:


a.  We are committed to ending misogyny and harassment of, and violence against, women. Working with women and men to find solutions to these deep rooted issues, we will challenge ourselves, our partners and men, to take action as allies, so women can live free from violence, abuse and fear.


b.  Southwark Council has invested in CCTV, increasing the operator capacity by 20%.


c.  The council is investing in better and more reliable lighting on our streets; over 7,000 lamppost columns have been upgraded to LED lighting.


d.  The council is working with the community to identify areas that will benefit from enhanced lighting.


e.  We are committed to establish a ground-breaking Women’s Safety Centre so that women experiencing violence and abuse can access the support they need in one place.


f.  Southwark has established a network of safe havens at businesses in known harassment hotspots where women and other vulnerable people can access safety and support when in need at night time. Staff in these businesses have received training to administer support.


5.  Council assembly resolved to:


a.  Allocate £250,000 from the Southwark 2030 Reserve Fund to ensure that the recommendations from the environmental visual audits are delivered and to make the borough safer for women and other vulnerable people.


Southwark Pride Fund


6.  Council assembly noted:


a.  The council is committed to celebrating the diversity and heritage of our borough, including the contributions of the LGBTQ+ community who have helped shape Southwark’s history and continue to shape our Borough.


b.  Southwark is the proud home of a large, diverse and thriving LGBTQ+ community.


c.  Results of the 2021 Census show Southwark to have one of the largest populations of LGBTQ+ people in England.


d.  Southwark Council is proud to have worked with our LGBTQ+ community and the Mayor of London to open an LGBTQ+ centre in our borough to serve our whole city. The centre provides a safe, inclusive, intergenerational and intersectional space run by the community for the community.  Our Council Delivery Plan commits to a permanent LGBTQ+ cultural space. Work is now underway to provide this permanent LGBTQ+ cultural space in Blackfriars in partnership with the LGBTQ+ community.


e.  Last year, Southwark held its first ‘Pride in Southwark’ event to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. At this event, the leader of the council committed to making Southwark a safer, more equal place for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community.


7.  Council assembly resolved to:


a.  Announce a new Southwark Pride Fund to celebrate and commemorate Pride month. The £30,000 fund will be used to help our community and local Voluntary Sector Organisations celebrate and commemorate the contributions of our LGBTQ+ communities in Southwark.


b.  This will be an annual fund and will form part of the Council’s Grants Programme. We will fund this from the Southwark 2030 Reserve Fund for 2024/25 with a growth item to be added to the baseline budget in 2025/26.

Supporting documents: