Agenda item

Disclosure of interests and dispensations

Members to declare any personal interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


The following members made a declaration regarding the agenda items below:


Agenda items: 6.1 – 70 Croxted Road, London SE21 8NP and 6.3 – Dulwich Picture Gallery, Gallery Road, London SE21 7AD


Councillor Richard Leeming, non-pecuniary, although he had met with representatives about both applications, he had not taken a view or predetermined the applications and therefore took part in the decision.


Agenda item: 6.2 – Peckham Rye Park and Common, Southwark SE15 3UA


Councillor Richard Livingstone, non-pecuniary, as the relevant cabinet member when the previous planning application for Peckham Rye Park flood defences was considered at committee. The current planning application was different from the previous, and he had not predetermined or taken a view on the application. He therefore took part in the decision.