Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Annual Report 2022-23


Alasdair Smith, director, children and families, children’s and adults’ services,  presented the corporate parenting annual report 2002-23 to committee. It was explained that there was a constitutional requirement to present an annual report to cabinet each year and was due for submission to cabinet 17 January 2024 meeting.


·  Looking at creating a young person version of the report that could be easily read

·  Request to add photos to the annual report

·  Cabinet member forward to also include a foreword from Speakerbox when report finalised for cabinet January meeting

·  Provide link in report to Speakerbox film

·  Members of the committee to provide any additional comments on the report within seven days (by 14 December 2023).




1.  The report contents and structure were considered and changes advised in preparation for cabinet on 17 January 2024.


2.  That it be agreed for any recommendations to cabinet to be set out in a cover report, for example to note the report and endorse the 2023-24 draft priorities. 


3.  That if time allowed, a young person’s version of the report should be produced.


4.  That members of the committee submit any further comments / input to the report no later than 14 December 2023 to Paula Thornton, constitutional team.

Supporting documents: