Agenda item

Speakerbox update and annual report


Dechaun Malcolm, children’s rights & participation officer, along with colleagues and members of Speakerbox presented the annual report and a presentation to members of the committee.


Headlines from the presentation:


·  Reference to team expansion and new officers

·  55% increase of the level of engagement from April to November 2023

·  Examples and work to upskill young people

·  Showed the committee the Speakerbox film, a collaboration with Bromley care council on stigma and capturing the challenges sometimes faced on assumptions

·  The care free kitchen. Cooking skills and an opportunity to engage, learn new skills and build confidence

·  Positive feedback from under 12s

·  Feedback from young people in custody/ risk of exploitation

·  How Speakerbox involve and hear young people. Outline of measures and activities/events

·  Outline of positive outcomes for children and young people over the past eight months and

·  Looking ahead for 2023-24 and key objectives supported with an extended team and plans to do more, to reach and empower children and young people.


Issues / queries arising from presentation


·  What further the committee can do to support this work?

·  Query relating to the level of engagement of boys and young men (traditionally a hard to reach group). Dechaun Malcolm explained that positive male roles was key and would help to attract this hard to reach group. Additionally, sport had proved to be an attraction for this group

·  Reference to podcast by Councillor Portia Mwangangye, deputy cabinet member for young people about vulnerabilities. Counselling sessions were also provided as a follow up after this podcast

·  Arising from the film, a query about the process of social workers meeting with young people. It was confirmed that the social worker would liaise with young people on best times / locations to meet. It was discussed that showing the Speakerbox film in schools would contribute towards co-developing practice and guidance in association with the teachers schools and provide a general awareness of the issues and challenges that arises

·  Dechaun Malcolm also mentioned the aim to develop training and ensure embedded in Southwark practice, with the possibility of addressing as part of school INSET days

·  Reference also to use of film as part of health and child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)

·  Apprenticeships and ring fencing. Helen Woolgar referred to an initial meeting, with a second meeting that was postponed. She would aim to get this meeting rearranged in the next four weeks. Councillor Jasmine Ali asked to be kept updated with progress.

·  NVQ qualification for young people was raised when providing support. This would provide a pathway for those who do not have the necessary qualifications but the skills to progress to employment

·  Mention was made of London South Bank University (LSBU) apprenticeships: further detail to be sent to Dechaun Malcolm.

Supporting documents: