Agenda item

Treasury Management - Mid-year Update 2023-24


After debate, (Councillor Stephanie Cryan) the recommendations were put to the vote and declared Carried.




1.  That council assembly noted the 2023-24 mid-year treasury management update report and in particular:


·  the update on the economic background and implications for the Treasury Management Strategy in 2023-24 (paragraphs 9-21 of the report).


·  that all treasury management activity was undertaken in compliance with the approved treasury management strategy and within the council’s prudential indicators, attached as Appendix A to the report.


·  that the balance outstanding on all external debt as at 30 September 2023 was £965m (£888m at 30 September 2022, paragraph 23 of the report).


·  that the balance of investments at 30 September 2023 stood at £148m (£198m at 30 September 2022, paragraph 30 of the report).


2.  That council assembly approved the intention to add Green Bonds (Community Municipal Investments) as a source of debt financing in relation to climate-related activities (paragraph 21 of the report).

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