Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, members of the cabinet or the chief executive.


The Mayor welcomed Sarah Campbell, the leader of Southwark Youth Parliament, to the dais.


The leader of the council announced his regret for the Israel-Hamas war, and stated that Southwark has no space for anti-Semitic or anti-Muslim hate crimes.


The leader of the council welcomed Councillor Natasha Ennin to the role of cabinet member for community safety, which she would commence on Monday 27 November 2023.


Councillor Natasha Ennin announced her pride in the actions taken in Southwark to prevent violence against women and girls.


The cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development thanked everyone involved in the campaign to keep railway ticket offices open following the success of their work.