Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 - Sierra Spot, 6 Arnside St, London SE17 2AP


The licensing officer highlighted the main points of the report.


The applicants presented their case.  Members of the sub-committee questioned the applicants.  The ward councillor, representing local objectors, questioned the applicant.


The ward councillor outlined his case objecting to the application.  The sub-committee and the applicants then questioned the ward councillor.


The applicants and ward councillor then summarised their cases.


At 11.45 all parties were requested to leave the room while the meeting went into closed session.  At 12.10 all parties were recalled to the meeting and the chair read out the sub-committee’s decision:




That the licensing sub-committee having considered the written representations contained in the report and oral representations of those present decided that the application be granted with minor amendments.




1.  A security search of the premises is conducted prior to opening to the public and a record kept of who conducted the search.


2.  That signs shall be displayed in the entrance foyer to the premises that state ‘Drugs Free Zone’ and ‘No Search No Entry, Management reserve the right to refuse entry’.


3.  That all matters relating to drugs shall be in accordance with the Metropolitan Police Best Practice Guide on the handling of drugs in pubs and clubs.


4.  That suitable notices shall be displayed and announcements made requesting people to leave the premises in a quiet and orderly manner so as not to disturb local residents.


5.  That a CCTV system be installed at the premises and be maintained in good working order and be continually recording at all times the premises are in use under the licence. The CCTV System must be capable of capturing an image of every person who enters the premises.


6.  That all CCTV footage shall be kept for a period of thirty one (31) days and shall, upon request, be made immediately available to Officers of the Police and the Council.


7.  That you shall require any regular and external promoters hiring the premises to complete the ‘Venue Hire Agreement’ provided by Southwark Council and, once completed, you shall ensure that a copy of the agreement is provided to the Police and Licensing Unit a minimum of fourteen days prior to the date of hire.


8.  That a Personal Licence holder is on the premises and on duty at all times that intoxicating liquor is supplied.


9.  That there will be no loading or removal of equipment from the premises between the terminal hours and 0800 the following day.


10.  That the use of the smoking area shall be limited to no more than 6 patrons and that smokers shall be prohibited from taking drinks outside.


11.  That recorded music be limited to background noise levels only throughout the opening hours.


Reasons for the decision:


The sub-committee consider it necessary to limit the hours in view of the prevention of public nuisance as premises are located in a residential area.


Appeal rights:


That the licensee and any person who made relevant representations in relation to the application may appeal against the decision. Any appeal must be made to the magistrate court for the petty sessions area in which the premises are situated. Any appeal must be commenced by notice of appeal given by the appellant to the justices’ chief executive for the magistrates court within the period of 21 days beginning with the day on which the appellant was notified by the licensing authority of the decision appealed against.


The meeting closed at 12.10pm.

Supporting documents: