Agenda item

Burgess Park Tennis Centre, 44 Addington Square, London Southwark SE5 7LA


Planning application reference 23/AP/0649


Report: See pages 63 to 94 of the agenda pack and addendum pages 2 – 4.




Retention of the café (Class E (b)) in the southern end of the pavilion building, associated with a refuse store and hardstanding to the south of the pavilion.


The committee heard the officer’s introduction to the report and members of the committee asked questions of the officers.


There were no objectors present at the meeting, wishing to speak.


The applicant addressed the meeting and responded to questions from members.


There were no supporters present who lived within 100 metres of the development site.


Councillor Sam Foster spoke in his capacity as a ward councillor. There were no questions from members of the committee.


A motion to grant the application was moved, seconded put to the vote and declared carried.




That the planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report and addendum report.

Supporting documents: