Agenda item

Release of £35,862,062.28 from S106 agreements across the borough to support the delivery of affordable housing in the borough

To agree the release of funds totalling £35,862,062.28 of S106 affordable housing funding.


Neil Loubser introduced the report, drawing members’ attention to the addendum.


Officers responded to questions put by members of the committee.


A motion to agree the recommendations set out in the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.




1.  That the planning committee agrees the release of funds totalling £35,862,062.28 of S106 affordable housing funding, received against the legal agreements set out in Appendix A of the report, to the New Homes Programme in order to support the delivery of affordable housing in the borough.


2.  That the strategic director of finance be authorised to apply the funding released to individual projects within the New Homes Programme.

Supporting documents: