Agenda item

Canada Water Retail Park


Planning Application Numbers: 23/AP/0562 · 23/AP/0564 · 23/AP/0565 · 23/AP/0566


Report: see pages 6 to 215 of the main agenda pack and pages 1 to 3 of the addendum report.




Approval of Reserved Matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 21/AP/2655 for the comprehensive commercial development of the Canada Water Dockside Masterplan site together with approval of Reserved Matters (access, appearance, landscaping and layout) pursuant to the Outline Planning Permission 21/AP/2610 which proposed hard and soft landscaping to create a shared public realm space for use by pedestrians and vehicles on Maritime Street.


The committee heard the officer’s introduction to the report. Members put questions to officers.


Members asked that officers bring back details of the improvements to the Albion pedestrian footbridge to the committee for approval.


There were no objectors wishing to speak.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the committee and answered questions put by members of the committee.


There were no supporters living within 100 metres of the development site, or ward councillors, who wished to speak.


The committee then discussed the applications.


Four individual motions to grant each of the applications were moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.


Application 23/AP/0562




1.  That reserve matter application number 23/AP/0562, pertaining to Building A1 and pursuant to Outline Permission 21/AP/2655 relating to Units 1 and 4 Canada Water Retail Park, be approved subject to the additional conditions and informative as set out in the draft recommendations at the relevant Appendix 1 for this application.


2.  That environmental information be taken into account as required by Regulation 26(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended); and


3.  That following the issue of planning permission, the director of planning and Growth write to the Secretary of State notifying them of the decision, pursuant to Regulation 30(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017; and


4.  That following issue of planning permission, the director of planning and growth place a statement on the Statutory Register pursuant to Regulation 28(1) of the TCP (EIA) Regulations 2017, which contains the information required by Regulation 28 and, for the purposes of Regulation 28(1)(h) being the main reasons and considerations on which the planning committee’s decision was based shall be set out in the report; and


5.  That the planning committee in making their decision has due regard to the potential equalities impacts that are outlined in this report.



Application 23/AP/0564




1.  That reserve matter application number 23/AP/0564, pertaining to Building A2 and pursuant to Outline Permission 21/AP/2655 relating to Units 1 and 4 Canada Water Retail Park, be approved subject to the additional conditions and informative as set out in the draft recommendations at the relevant Appendix 1 for this application.


2.  That environmental information be taken into account as required by Regulation 26(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended); and


3.  That following the issue of planning permission, the director of planning and Growth write to the Secretary of State notifying them of the decision, pursuant to Regulation 30(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017; and


4.  That following issue of planning permission, the director of planning and growth place a statement on the Statutory Register pursuant to Regulation 28(1) of the TCP (EIA) Regulations 2017, which contains the information required by Regulation 28 and, for the purposes of Regulation 28(1)(h) being the main reasons and considerations on which the planning committee’s decision was based shall be set out in the report; and


5.  That the planning committee in making their decision has due regard to the potential equalities impacts that are outlined in this report.





Application 23/AP/0565




1.  That reserve matter application number 23/AP/0565, pertaining to the basement spanning Plots A1 and A2 and pursuant to Outline Permission 21/AP/2655 relating to Units 1 and 4 Canada Water Retail Park, be approved subject to the additional conditions and informative as set out in the draft recommendations at the relevant Appendix 1 for this application.


2.  That environmental information be taken into account as required by Regulation 26(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended); and


3.  That following the issue of planning permission, the director of planning and growth write to the Secretary of State notifying them of the decision, pursuant to Regulation 30(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017; and


4.  That following issue of planning permission, the director of planning and growth place a statement on the Statutory Register pursuant to Regulation 28(1) of the TCP (EIA) Regulations 2017, which contains the information required by Regulation 28 and, for the purposes of Regulation 28(1)(h) being the main reasons and considerations on which the planning committee’s decision was based shall be set out in the report; and


5.  That the planning committee in making their decision has due regard to the potential equalities impacts that are outlined in this report.



Application 23/AP/0566




1.  That reserve matter application number 23/AP/0566, pertaining to hard and soft landscaping and pursuant to Outline Permission 21/AP/2610 relating to Maritime Street, be approved subject to the additional conditions and informative as set out in the draft recommendations at the relevant Appendix 1 for this application.


2.  That environmental information be taken into account as required by Regulation 26(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended); and


3.  That following the issue of planning permission, the director of planning and Growth write to the Secretary of State notifying them of the Decision, pursuant to Regulation 30(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017; and


4.  That following issue of planning permission, the director of planning and growth place a statement on the Statutory Register pursuant to Regulation 28(1) of the TCP (EIA) Regulations 2017, which contains the information required by Regulation 28 and, for the purposes of Regulation 28(1)(h) being the main reasons and considerations on which the planning committee’s decision was based shall be set out in the report; and


5.  That the planning committee in making their decision has due regard to the potential equalities impacts that are outlined in this report.



The meeting adjourned for a comfort break from 8:30pm to 8:38pm.



Supporting documents: