Agenda item

25 Mandela Way, London SE1 5SS


Planning Application Number: 23/AP/0950


Report: see pages 1 to 90 of the supplemental agenda pack No.1 and pages 3 to 10 of the addendum report.




Demolition of existing buildings and structures on the site and redevelopment to provide an up to four storey building to accommodate industrial and logistics (Use Class B2, B8 and Class E(g)) together with plant, landscaping, the formation of new accesses and alterations to existing accesses, associated vehicle and cycle parking and other associated works


The committee heard the officer’s introduction to the report. Members put questions to officers.


There were no objectors wishing to speak.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the committee and answered questions put by members of the committee.


A supporter of the development addressed the meeting.


Councillor Sunny Lambe addressed the committee in his capacity as a ward councillor and responded to questions from members of the committee.


The committee discussed the application.


A motion to grant the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.




1.  That planning permission be granted, subject to conditions a set out in the report and addendum report, and the applicant entering into an appropriate legal agreement by no later than 2 April 2024, and that the director of planning and growth be granted delegated authority to agree the final wording of the s106 agreement and the planning conditions to cover all matters, detailed in this report and the Stage 2 response.


2.  In the event that the requirements of (1.) are not met by 2 April 2024 then the director of planning and growth be authorised to refuse planning permission, if appropriate, for the reasons set out at paragraph 191 of the report.



Supporting documents: