Agenda item

The Care Leaver Steering Group - presenting the work they have done


Leval Haughton-James, youth worker and the young people (in attendance) presented the item on the care leaver steering group:


Young person I – presented (Communication and connecting with young people)


·  Communication and connecting with the young people


·  Being able to provide service updates, opportunities and connect with young people over various platforms


·  Opportunities for youth led content and /or promotion of activities


·  Access to YouTube and social media pages (all digital content created could be uploaded on YouTube for care leavers to view in their own time)


·  Use of social media to advertise and promote events


·  Newsletters: Updates of care leavers support (internal and external), information regarding cost of living and advice for young parents


·  Digital team: Recording and editing gateway sessions, testimonials/feedback, 60-second news report, short films (A day in the life of?)


·  Ring-fenced opportunities across Southwark council and/or creating job opportunities – care leavers to have opportunities to gain employment for specific job or apprenticeship within the council.


Young person L – presented (Housing)


·  Young people to have more bidding options


·  Support with moving on from studio flats (to bigger properties) post 25 or case closer


·  Opportunities to bid on studio and 1 bedrooms


·  Additional support in place from housing departments


·  Gardening support – help and support with maintaining garden


·  Maintenance support – repairs, painting – for new tenancy.


At this point, the chair explained that the cabinet member for housing, Councillor Darren Merrill was currently on adoption/parental leave. It was noted  that Councillor Stephanie Cryan would take over responsibility of this cabinet role during the councillor’s leave of absence.


Young person R – presented (Health)


·  Learning difficulties/disabilities testing examples, Dyslexia, ADD and ADHD


·  Testing service for over 18s (free for care leavers)


·  Hoarding advice and support (health or housing) – to have a service in place to promote the importance of understanding why young people hoard


·  Substance abuse and emotional wellbeing – clear pathway of support and follow up with young people.


Young person A – presented (Participation)


·  Young people to have access to Talfourd Place area which is still an ongoing issue after COVID 19 only sessions


·  Use of computer room, access to advice support and guidance


·  Access to shower rooms or washing machine


·  Some sessions take place in Talfourd Place


·  Driving and theory lessons and support around owning a car


·  Theory lessons and preparation agreed to start on: 23 August


·  Guidance and information about owning and maintaining a car


·  Workshops – mortgage advice and support, housing options and housing pathway for care leavers.


Young person C – presented (Finances)


·  Update process of making payments to young people – named finance contact was able to support with outstanding payments and for payments under £100 could be made instantly


·  Paying private rented deposits – payment made same day /once tenancy agreed for deposits of private rent – service managers were able to make payments from credit cards.


Identified areas for extra support


·  YouTube and social media pages – support and access and permission to upload to Southwark YouTube channel and permission to have additional social media pages (Instagram and ticktock)


·  Digital team – support from Southwark communications dept (mentors, time and/or resources for partnership work)


·  Update process to make payments easier for young people – BACS payments (instant payments) were not possible


·  Referenced housing issues delays and ability to bid on one-bedroom flats


·  Finance issues/ communication with social worker and personal advisor – concerned about the length of time it takes for money to reach young people (e.g. care leaver grants).


Comments and suggestions highlighted at the meeting:


·  Professional filmmaker connected with young people in Southwark - to secure funding for long-term work


·  Expansion of work for corporate parenting duties


·  Property – social value to care leavers and addressing issues on health


·  Social services caseload - not enough information provided to social workers, needs more delivery and connection of services especially during induction.


At 4.03pm the meeting took a comfort break and then reconvened 4.05pm.