To consider the review of the current Cumulative Impact Areas (CIAs) within the borough.
The principal licensing officer presented his report. Members put questions to the licensing officers and the metropolitan police officer.
At 6:08pm, Councillor Suzanne Abachor joined the meeting and confirmed she was a voting member of the committee.
Members then continued discussing the report, and asked further questions of officers.
At 6:18pm, Councillor Sabina Emmanuel joined the meeting and confirmed she was a voting member of the committee.
Members then continued discussing the report, and asked further questions of officers.
Members asked for the following action points for licensing officers to be recorded:
· Information regarding the number of businesses and individuals signed up for licensing consultations to be circulated to the committee.
· A question regarding the definition of a night club to be included in the next licensing policy review consultation.
· Information on the number of licensed premises in the individual CIA areas to be included in the next report.
Having taken into account the council’s public sector equality duty, the committee agreed the resolution below.
That the Cumulative Impact Areas (CIAs) are to remain as they are in their current locations.
Supporting documents: