The nominations for chairs and vice chairs of committees and the nominations to the Local Government Association General Assembly were circulated.
There were five contested positions.
The position of chair of overview and scrutiny committee was put to the vote, and it was agreed that Councillor Ian Wingfield be appointed chair of overview and scrutiny committee.
The position of vice chair of planning committee A was put to the vote, and it was agreed that Councillor Kath Whittam be appointed vice chair of planning committee A.
The position of vice chair of planning committee B was put to the vote, and it was agreed that Councillor Kath Whittam be appointed vice chair of planning committee B.
The position of community champion for North-west multi-ward area was put to the vote, and it was agreed that Councillor Sunil Chopra be appointed community champion for North-east multi-ward area.
The position of community champion for North-east multi-ward area was put to the vote, and it was agreed that Councillor Leo Pollak be appointed community champion for North-east multi-ward area.
The substantive motion was carried.
1. That council assembly noted the appointment of political group leaders, deputies and whips.
Leader Councillor Kieron Williams
Deputy Leader Councillor Jasmine Ali
Chief Whip Councillor Maggie Browning
Leader Councillor Victor Chamberlain
Deputy Leader Councillor Rachel Bentley
Chief Whip Councillor David Watson
2. That council assembly noted the political balance of the council as follows:
Group |
Members |
% |
Labour |
52 |
82.54 |
Liberal Democrat |
11 |
17.46 |
Total |
63 |
100.00 |
3. That council assembly noted that there is no change to proportionality and the allocation of seats on committees and panels as agreed by council assembly on 21 May 2022 except for changes to the planning committee as set out in the report.
4. That council assembly established the following committees for the coming municipal year 2024-25 and noted the amended calendar of planning committee meetings for the 2024-25 municipal year as shown at Appendix 1 of the report.
Table 2: Ordinary Committees - Total number of seats 42
Committee |
Total |
Lab |
Lib Dem |
Committee 1 Appointments Committee |
7 |
6 |
1 |
Committee 2 Planning Committee A |
7 |
6 |
1 |
Committee 3 Planning Committee B |
7 |
6 |
1 |
Planning (Smaller Applications) Committee |
7 |
5 |
2 |
Committee 4 Audit, Governance and Standards Committee |
7 |
6 |
1 |
Committee 5 Corporate Parenting Committee |
7 |
6 |
1 |
Total |
42 |
35 |
7 |
Table 3: Other committees - Total number of seats 26
Committee |
Total |
Lab |
Lib Dem |
Overview and Scrutiny Committee |
11 |
9 |
2 |
Licensing Committee |
15 |
12 |
3 |
Total |
26 |
21 |
5 |
Table 4: Multi-ward areas
1. |
North-west |
2. |
North-east |
3. |
West-central |
4. |
East-central |
5. |
South |
Health and wellbeing board
5. That the health and wellbeing board be established as a committee of the council under the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
6. That it be noted that the leader of the council nominates the local authority membership. In accordance with committee procedure rules, the cabinet member with responsibility for health chairs the board.
Appointment of chairs and vice chairs
7. That council assembly appointed chairs and vice chairs for the following committees:
· Appointments committee
Chair: Councillor Kieron Williams
· Planning committee A
Chair: Councillor Richard Livingstone
Vice-chair: Councillor Kath Whittam
· Planning committee B
Chair: Councillor Richard Livingstone
Vice-chair: Councillor Kath Whittam
· Planning small applications committee
Chair: Councillor Cleo Soanes
Vice-chair: Councillor Jane Salmon
· Audit, governance and standards committee
Chair: Councillor Barrie Hargrove
Vice-chair: Councillor Graham Neale
· Corporate parenting committee
Chair: Councillor Jasmine Ali
· Overview and scrutiny committee
Chair: Councillor Ian Wingfield
Vice-chair: Councillor Irina von Wiese
· Licensing committee
Chair: Councillor Renata Hamvas
All outstanding appointments will be referred to the first meeting of the respective committees in the 2024-25 municipal year.
Appointment of community champions
8. That council assembly appointed community champions for the following multi-ward areas:
Councillor |
Multi-ward area |
1. |
Sunil Chopra |
North-west |
2. |
Leo Pollak |
North-east |
3. |
Jason Ochere |
West-central |
4. |
Sabina Emmanuel |
East-central |
5. |
Andy Simmons |
South |
Councillor |
Multi-ward area |
1. |
Joseph Vambe |
North-west |
2. |
Bethan Roberts |
North-east |
3. |
Sam Foster |
West-central |
4. |
Reggie Popoola |
East-central |
5. |
Richard Leeming |
South |
Establishment of the council’s panels
9. That council assembly established the following council panels (see paragraph 53 of the report):
Table 5: Panels - Total number of seats 16
Panel |
Total |
Lab |
Lib Dem |
Council assembly business panel |
4 |
3 |
1 |
Constitutional steering panel |
4 |
3 |
Pensions advisory panel |
3 |
2 |
Voluntary bodies appointments panel |
5 |
4 |
Total |
16 |
12 |
Appointments of chair to constitutional steering panel and voluntary bodies appointments panel
10. That council assembly appoints a chair to the following panels:
· Constitutional steering panel: Councillor Maggie Browning
· Voluntary bodies appointments panel: Councillor Stephanie Cryan
Urgency committee
11. That the role of the urgency committee between a municipal election and the annual meeting of council assembly, as agreed by council assembly on 26 March 2014, be noted as set out in paragraphs 55 and 56 of the report.
Appointments to Local Government Association (LGA) General Assembly
12. That council assembly appointed three representatives and allocates the seven votes to representatives to attend the LGA General Assembly.
Councillor Kieron Williams 3
Councillor Jasmine Ali 3
Councillor Victor Chamberlain 1
Other appointments to joint committees/outside bodies
That council assembly noted the cabinet and other committees will make appointments to all other outside committees and bodies for the municipal year 2024-25 as required by part 3Q of the constitution.
Supporting documents: