Agenda item





1.  That council assembly received a report from the leader on the following executive issues for the coming municipal year 2024-25:


·  Noted the appointment by the leader of cabinet members

·  Noted the appointment of deputy cabinet members

·  Noted the establishment and appointment of any cabinet committees

·  Noted the leader’s report on the delegation of executive functions to the full cabinet, cabinet committees, individual cabinet members, chief officers and other delegations.


Appointment of the cabinet


2.  That the leader reported to council assembly on the appointment of members of the cabinet and determination of their executive functions:


Cabinet portfolio

Cabinet member


Cllr Kieron Williams

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees

Cllr Jasmine Ali

Health and Wellbeing

Cllr Evelyn Akoto

Climate Emergency, Jobs and Business

Cllr John Batteson

Equalities, Democracy and Finance

Cllr Stephanie Cryan

New Homes and Sustainable Development

Cllr Helen Dennis

Community Safety and Neighbourhoods

Cllr Natasha Ennin

Council Homes

Cllr Sarah King

Clean Air, Streets and Waste

Cllr James McAsh

Leisure, Parks and Young People

Cllr Portia Mwangangye


3.  That the leader reported to council assembly on the appointment of deputy cabinet members and determination of their duties and responsibilities.


Deputy Cabinet members:

Supported Housing

Cllr Sam Dalton

Green Finance

Cllr Emily Hickson

Resident Engagement

Cllr Bethan Roberts 


Cllr Joseph Vambe


4.  That the leader reported on the establishment of the cabinet committees:


·  Cabinet (Livesey Trust) Committee

·  Better Placed Joint Committee

·  Joint IT Committee (Brent, Lewisham and Southwark).


Delegation of executive functions


5.  That the leader reported on the delegation of executive functions between full cabinet, individual decision makers, chief officers and any other delegations.


6.  That council assembly noted the leader’s report on changes to the delegation of executive functions to the full cabinet, cabinet committees, individual cabinet members, chief officers andany other delegations.


7.  That council assembly noted that as a consequence of recommendation 6, the proper constitutional officer will update Part 3 of the constitution in accordance with the leader’s report on the delegation of executive functions.


Supporting documents: