Agenda item

Canada Water Publication-Submission Summary report

To consider the Canada Water Area Action Plan Publication/Submission Version (appendix A), the consultation plan (appendix B), the consultation report (appendix C), sustainability appraisal (appendix D) equality impact assessment (appendix E) and appropriate assessment (appendix F). To seek agreement to publish the Canada Water Area Action Plan Publication/Submission Version before submission to the Secretary of State.



An addendum report was circulated.




1.  That the Canada Water Area Action Plan Publication/Submission Version (appendix A), the consultation plan (appendix B), the consultation report (appendix C), sustainability appraisal (appendix D) equality impact assessment (appendix E) and appropriate assessment (appendix F) be agreed and recommended to council assembly for approval.


2.  That the further changes set out in table 1 of the addendum report be incorporated into the Canada Water Area Action Plan publication/submission version.


3.  That the Canada Water Area Action Plan Publication/Submission Version be published before submission to the Secretary of State.


4.  That the Canada Water Area Action Plan Publication/Submission Version be approved for submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government provided no substantive changes are necessary following consultation.


5.  That  the approval of any minor amendments resulting from the meeting or consultation to the Canada Water Area Action Plan Publication/Submission Version be delegated to the strategic director for regeneration and neighbourhoods in consultation with the executive member for regeneration before submission to Secretary of State.


NOTE: In accordance with the budget and policy framework these decisions will be referred to council assembly as recommendations.


Supporting documents: