Agenda item

Progress update on the Southwark Equality Framework and Equality Audit

To receive a progress update on the Southwark Equality Framework and Equality Audit.


The committee received a progress update on the Southwark Equality Framework and the Equality Audit as set out in the report from the Director of Communities.  The committee heard from Councillor Stephanie Cryan, Cabinet Member for Communities, Equalities and Finance, Evereth Willis, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and Stephen Douglass, Director of Communities.


Evereth Willis, presented the officer report.  Following the presentation of the report, discussion took place around the following:


·  Support by the council for LGBTQ+ communities

·  Casey Review

·  Integrating Socio economic equality into strategy, in light of widening income gap

·  Southwark Stands Together

·  How the council is dealing with hidden protected characteristics such as sexuality and disability

·  Gender critical thought

·  Census data – trans and non binary identity




1.  That the progress update on the Southwark Equality Framework and the Equality Audit be noted.


2.  That it be noted that the Equality audit report findings and recommendations contribute to the refresh of Southwark Stands Together and Southwark Equality Framework.


3.  That the audit report and recommendations be presented to a future OSC meeting, and that OSC be invited to comment on the findings and engage in the refresh of Southwark Stands Together and the Southwark Equality Framework by way of pre-decision scrutiny.

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