Agenda item

Update on council response to the recommendations made in the Healthwatch report on LGBTQ+ community

To receive an update on the council’s response to the recommendations made in the Healthwatch report on LGBTQ+ Community.


Note:  The Healthwatch recommendations were presented to Overview and Scrutiny Committee in July 2020.  Link to the meeting:  (see item 5)


The committee will also hear from the Chair of the Southwark LGBT Network.


The committee received an update on the council’s response to the recommendations made in the Southwark Healthwatch report on the LGBTQ+ Community as set out in the report from the Community Engagement Manager.  The committee heard from Councillor Stephanie Cryan, Cabinet Member for Communities, Equalities and Finance.


Councillor Cryan advised the committee that the work arising from the Healthwatch report was picked up by the CCG and public health, and then Covid 19, impacted on the work as attention was directed to responding to the pandemic.  Councillor Cryan highlighted issues contained in the officer report.


Following the cabinet members presentation, discussion was held around the following:


·  Consideration of an LGBTQ+ Strategy




That the report be noted.


In accordance with Committee Procedure Rule 1.9(4), Councillor Victor Chamberlain requested that his vote against the foregoing resolution be recorded in the minutes.

Supporting documents: