Agenda item

Chair's announcements


DCC noted the following announcements from the Chair:


(1)  Cleaner Greener Safer programme for 2010 – 2011 was launched at the   meeting.  Details of how to apply and the criteria were highlighted at the   meeting.  The programme has supported a range of environmental and   community improvements, and any local person or community organisation   can apply.  The deadline for submitted applications was January 8 2010.   


(2)  Global Xchange Programme is a international youth exchange programme run in partnership by VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) and the British Council.  Geors Richards from the Xchange Programme announced that a team of international volunteers will be arriving in Southwark this summer to spend a certain amount of time engaging in voluntary work and on local community projects.  They are appealing for community hosts to accommodate 2 volunteers (aged between 18-25yrs from 6 different countries – 6 month programme)   Website: