Agenda item

19/AP/0404 - 40-44 Bermondsey Street, Vinegar Yar Warehouse; 9-17 Vinegar Yard and Land Adjacent to 1-7 Snowsfields SE1


Planning Application Number: 19/AP/0404


Report: see pages 20 to 177 of the main agenda pack and pages 1 to 5 of the addendum report.


PROPOSAL: Refurbishment and extension of existing Vinegar Yard Warehouse (equivalent of 7 storeys and 26.188m AOD), demolition of 42-44 Bermondsey Street and retention and extension of 40 Bermondsey Street to form two buildings (equivalent of 12 storeys and 50.425m AOD) to provide office space (Class E); retail space (Class E); new landscaping and public realm including a new pedestrianised route through the site; vehicular access; associated works to public highway; ancillary servicing; plant; storage and associated works.


The committee heard the officer’s introduction to the report. Members put questions to officers.


Representatives of the objectors addressed the meeting and responded to questions from members of the committee.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the committee and answered questions put by members of the committee.


There were no supporters living within 100 metres of the development site who wished to speak.


Councillor Emily Hickson addressed the committee in her capacity as a ward councillor and responded to questions from members of the committee.


The committee put further questions to officers and discussed the application.


A motion to grant the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.




1.  That planning permission be granted subject to:


a.  the conditions set out in the report and addendum report,

b.  an additional condition requiring an estate management plan including a scheme for ongoing maintenance and management of all public and private land and landscaping to be submitted to and approved by the council and thereafter complied with in accordance with any approval given. This condition is to mirror the servicing/public realm condition imposed on the CIT site by the GLA, and require the optimisation of the public use of the space to be investigated, and the delivery and servicing plan to include proposals for cargo bikes.  

c.  referral to the Mayor of London and

d.  the applicant entering into an appropriate legal agreement; and


2.  That environmental information be taken into account as required by Regulation 26(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended); and


3.  That the Planning Committee in making their decision has due regard to the potential Equalities impacts that are outlined in this report; and


4.  That following the issue of planning permission, the Director of Planning and Growth write to the Secretary of State notifying them of the Decision, pursuant to Regulation 30(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017; and


5.  That following issue of planning permission, the Director of Planning and Growth place a statement on the Statutory Register pursuant to Regulation 28(1) of the  TCP (EIA) Regulations 2017, which contains the information required by Regulation 28 and, for the purposes of Regulation 28(1)(h) being the main reasons and considerations on which the Planning Committee’s decision was based shall be set out in the report; and


6.  That, in the event that the requirements of (1) are not met by 31 October 2023 that the director of planning and growth be authorised to refuse planning permission, if appropriate, for the reasons set out in Paragraph 317 of the report.



At this point the meeting took another comfort break and reconvened at 9.44pm.

Supporting documents: