Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent

In special circumstances an item of business may be added to an agenda within seven working days of the meeting.


At this point, the programme motion was agreed:


The order of business and timings for the evening will be as follows:




19:00 – 19:10

1. Preliminary business and announcements

19:10 – 19.20

2.2 Public question

·  Anna Wilkinson

19:20 – 20:20


(20 minutes –  5 minutes’ speech)





(7 minutes)

(5 minutes)

(25 minutes)

(3 minutes)

Themed debate

3.1 Community Evidence

·  Detective Chief Superintendent Seb Adjei-Addoh

(Three questions from members to Det Ch Supt Adjei-Addoh)

·  Reclaim the Streets

·  Active Communities Network


3.2 Motion on the Theme

1.  Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle, Community Safety 

2.  Councillor Irina von Wiese, opposition spokesperson

3.  Themed debate open to all other councillors

4.  Cabinet member’s right of reply to the debate

20:20 – 20:35

(5 minutes’ speech, question to the cabinet; no questions from members)

4. Deputation requests

·  Plane Hell Action

·  Safety on Green Dale



20:35 – 21:10

(5 minutes)

(15 minutes)

(15 minutes)

5.1 Members' Question Time

·  Late questions

·  Members' questions to the leader

·  Members' questions to the cabinet

21:10 – 22:00

5.2 Motions


Motion 1 – Tackling Second Homes with Council Tax Premiums


Motion 2 – This Council commits to being a Diverse Council


Motion 3 – One year on, Southwark stands with Ukraine


Motion 4 – RSPCA: Pets as Prizes


Motion 5 – Local Climate Action Bonds for Southwark


6. Reports


6.1 Adjustment of member allowances in line with the national local government officer pay settlement 2022-23 and Member Allowances Scheme 2023-2024


6.2 Pay Policy Statement


6.3 Council assembly dates and calendar of meetings 2023-2024


6.4 Special urgency and urgent implementation decisions - annual report


6.5 Appointment of returning officer and electoral registration officer


6.6 Appointment of independent persons


* subject to the guillotine rule; maximum 15 minutes debate per item.

Note: Any time left remaining on any item will be rolled into the next items.


That the meeting be conducted as follows:


Item 3 - Themed debate


Community Evidence Submissions

To receive submissions from the groups listed in the themed section of the agenda:


  • DetCh Supt Seb Adjei-Addoh
  • Reclaim the Streets
  • Active Communities Network


(five minutes to speak; three questions from members to Det Ch Supt Seb Adjei-Addoh only)



A five minute presentation from the group.


Themed debate

To accept a late alteration to the themed motion. (CAPR 1.14.15)


To accept a late amendment to the altered themed motion.


To run as listed in the timings above.


Item 4 – Deputations


That the meeting give Safety on Green Dale the opportunity to be heard as a deputation instead of community evidence.


That the meeting agree to hear deputations from:


·  Plane Hell Action

·  Safety on Green Dale


(Five minutes to speak; deputation question to relevant cabinet member, no questions from members)


Item 5.2 General motions:

Each motion to have a single debate, subject to the guillotine.


Item 5.2.1: Tackling Second Homes with Council Tax Premiums


To vary the mover and seconder of Motion 1: Tackling Second Homes with Council Tax Premiums as below.


Mover: Councillor Emily Tester

Seconder: Councillor Victor Chamberlain


Supporting documents: