Agenda item

Housing for Care Leavers

A report on: How the council’s housing department are addressing the issue of the lack of capacity for housing (tenancies) for care leavers which also includes, plans for how the waiting time for tenancies for care leavers can be reduced.


Cheryl Russell, director of resident services, presented information about housing for care leavers.


The officer provided data on social housing and spoke about policy work relating to the involving which concerning the housing register and homelessness.


It also includes:


·  Working with children’s services about housing options, dealing mainly with rough sleepers and homelessness


·  The various processes include going through the register, where care leavers are categorised as band 2; a second priority housing need which mean being housed with expediency.  Due to the current housing crisis in London – this has created a huge challenge with 17,000 on the housing register with only around 800 housing stock available


·  Social housing team generally work with those that were in most urgent need


·  106 care leavers were registered in Band 2


·  Between November 2021 to October 2022, 66 care leavers were housed in a council flat or housing association that were mostly studio accommodation as studio flats were not being built. These were one bed properties


·  The officer explained a number of social homes through the letting scheme had diminished and mentioned the added pressure to develop new builds at the required level that was needed


·  The officer referred to ongoing discussions relating to the care leavers group.


Pan London Care Leavers Compact:


Reference in the officer’s report and issues highlighted at the meeting


·  London Council’s Housing Directors and Heads of Housing Needs have entered conversation with the Association of London Directors of Children’s Services and the London Innovation and Improvement Alliance about the housing elements of a proposed Pan London Compact.


·  The purpose of the compact would be to create a common agreed offer on a number of fronts from London authorities. The Housing elements focus:


·  Council tax exemption (not a housing area in Southwark)

·  Intentional homelessness exemption

·  Automatic priority need decision up to 25

·  Access to rent deposit schemes

·  Joint housing and children’s services protocols in place.


The deposit scheme for care leavers – difficult to sustain especially if young people are not in full-time employment and their housing benefit would not be sufficient to cover the rent.




Karen Shaw, head of housing solutions presented this segment:


·  Local housing allowance had not changed or been revised since 2020 and the housing allowance falls within discretionary payments


·  Difficulty finding emergency housing accommodation for care leavers


·  Measured on targets – to provide homes for care leavers in the borough


·  The ongoing challenges to get care leavers in suitable accommodation


·  Care leavers that are placed outside the borough could be isolated or experience mental health issues especially if they had no family links or connection to the area


·  Care leavers living out of the borough – should still receive the same level of support.




The chair proposed that the housing cabinet member, care leavers’ officers and director, children and families, develop an action plan on housing for care leavers. This shall be listed for discussion at the committee on 19 April 2023 to address.




That the data on care leavers, proposed policy developments, and comments regarding the housing elements of the proposed London care leavers compact as presented and outlined in the report be noted.

Supporting documents: