Agenda item

Registration under the Manufacture and Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005: 365 Walworth Road, London SE17 2AL


The licensing officer outlined his case.  The licensing officer informed the sub-committee that the licensee would not be attending. The licensing officer had contacted the licensee to confirm this.


The sub-committee agreed to consider the revocation in the applicant’s absence.


The trading standards officer outlined his case.


The licensing officer and trading standards officer summarised their cases.


At 1.40pm all parties were requested to leave the room while the meeting went into closed session.  At 1.48pm all parties were recalled to the meeting and the chair read out the sub-committee’s decision:




That the registration issued under the Manufacture and Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005 granted to Capalina News/Walworth Convenience Store, situated at 365 Walworth Road SE17 2AL, be revoked.



The reasons for this decision are as follows:


The licensing sub-committee revoked the registration in respect of 365 Walworth Road.


The licensing sub-committee was satisfied that the applicant was aware of today’s hearing and had chosen not to attend.


The licensing sub-committee heard from David Franklin, Dorcas Mills and Paul Gander, trading standards officer.  The licensing sub-committee was satisfied by the evidence of Paul Gander and concluded that Mr. Sivaguru Sivaruban, the registration holder, was not a fit person to store explosives.


Appeal rights

A person may appeal to the Secretary of State against a decision of a licensing authority to refuse to register him or to revoke his registration and the provisions of section 44(2) to (6) of the 1974 Act (appeals in connection with licensing provisions) shall apply in respect of any such appeal.


The meeting closed at 3.50pm.





Supporting documents: