Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 - Sebastian Night Club


The licensing officer highlighted the main points of his report.


The applicants representative presented their case.  Members of the sub-committee questioned the applicants and their representative.


The police representative outlined his case.  The sub-committee and the applicants representative then questioned the police representative.


The evironmental protection officer outlined his case.  The sub-committee and a local resident questioned the environmental protection officer.


The planning enforcement officer outlined his case.  The sub-committee and the applicants representative then questioned the planning enforcement officer.


One member of the Herne Hill Society and the representative for  89 Norwood Road Management Company outlined their cases as local residents.  The sub-committee and the applicants representative then questioned the local residents.


The applicants representative, the police, the evnironmental protection officer and the local residents then summarised their cases.


At 11.37am all parties were requested to leave the room while the meeting went into closed session.  At 12.45pm all parties were recalled to the meeting and the chair read out the sub-committee’s decision:




That the licensing sub-committee having considered the written representations contained in the report and oral representations of those present decided that the application be granted and that condition 135 be removed from the licence.




In addition to the decision above, the following conditions will apply to the licence.


1.  The premises be fitted with non-opening windows as agreed with the council’s environmental protection team.

2.  The premises be fitted with an air conditioning system which must be in operation at all times that the premises are open to the public.

3.  The premises be fitted with an enclosed entrance lobby with an inner and an outer door.

4.  The entrance lobby is to be manned in accordance with condition 791 at all times that the premises are open to the public to ensure that both lobby doors are not open at the same time.

5.  A sound limiter is to be installed, set and maintained at all times as directed by the council’s environmental protection team.

6.  The internal lights will be turned up to a level agreed with the council’s environmental protection team thirty minutes before closing.

7.  Prominent notices will be displayed at all times on the exterior of the premises, in the entrance lobby and in the restaurant/bar requesting customers leave the premises quietly and travel away from the area quietly.

8.  Door staff will limit to five the number of smokers permitted to remain outside the premises at any one time.

9.  Entry will be refused to any person behaving in a disorderly manner outside the premises.




The licensing sub-committee considered that the additional conditions were both necessary and proportionate in order to meet the four licensing objectives, in particular the prevention of public nuisance.




At 12.50pm the meeting adjourned for a comfort break, reconvening at 1.25pm.


Supporting documents: