Agenda item

Varying Southwark's Conditions of Tenancy

To consider and agree in principle the changes proposed to the conditions of tenancy as laid out in Appendix 1 of the report subject to any amendments that may arise from the further consultation currently being undertaken. To also note the recommendations made by Tenant Council, the Area Housing Forums, the Tenants’ Working party, Southwark Group of Tenant Organisations and individual tenants as summarised in appendices 2 & 3 of the report. 



Councillor Kim Humphreys expressed his thanks for the assistance given by the Tenants Council, Southwark Group of Tenant Organisations, the working party and council officers in preparing the document.




1.That the progress made to date in the drafting of amendments to the existing tenancy agreement for secure and introductory tenants be noted.


2.  That the recommendations made by Tenant Council, the area housing forums, the tenants’ working party, Southwark Group of Tenant Organisations and individual tenants as summarised in Appendices 2 & 3 of the report be noted.


3.  That the proposed changes to the conditions of tenancy as laid out in Appendix 1 of the report be agreed in principle subject to any amendments that may arise from the further consultation currently being undertaken.


4.  That any amendments arising from the further consultation be approved by the deputy leader and executive member for housing.


5.  That the changes take place in respect of all tenants granted tenancies before  January 19 2010 from the April 5 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter once the requirements of a Notice of Variation are met.


6.  That directly following the implementation date all new tenants be signed up to the new conditions of tenancy with immediate effect.


7.  That the Tenants Handbook be prepared and published by April 5 2010 or the date from which the changes are to take place (whichever the later) to complement the new tenancy agreement.


Supporting documents: