Agenda item

Deputation requests

To consider the following deputation requests:


  • Burgess Park Action Group in respect of the Aylesbury Area Action Plan


  • Tenants Council – Varying Southwark’s Conditions of Tenancy



Burgess Park Action Group Deputation




That the deputation be received.


The Burgess Park Action Group spokesperson addressed the meeting and outlined their concerns relating to the Aylesbury Area Action Plan item 7 on the agenda and  raised issues relating to open spaces, tall buildings and carbon footprint.


Correspondence was also circulated from Friends of Burgess Park, the Camberwell Society and Southwark Friends of the Earth in respect of the Aylesbury Area Action Plan.


Tenants Council – Varying Southwark’s Conditions of Tenancy




That the deputation be received.


A spokesperson for Tenants Council addressed the meeting and reported that significant progress had been made since the deputation request had been submitted. The spokesperson expressed their thanks to officers and the deputy leader and executive member for housing for their assistance.

Supporting documents: