Agenda item

Development Control Items (see pages 2 - 20)



1.  That the determination of planning applications, or formal observations and comments, the instigation of enforcement action and the receipt of the reports on the agenda be considered.


2.  That the decisions made on the planning applications be subject to the conditions and/or made for the reasons set out in the attached reports unless otherwise stated.


3.  That where reasons for the decision or condition are not included in the report relating to an individual item, that they be clearly specified.



Item 6/1  Recommendation:  Grant – 103 Overhill Road, London SE22 0PR 

(See pages 8 – 20)


Proposal:  Retention of a 4-storey building comprising 10 self contained flats

    (Use Class C3).


The planning officer introduced the report, circulated plans of the scheme and responded to Members’ questions.


Representations were heard from the objectors who spoke against the application citing the following reasons for the objection:


·  Overdevelopment of the site

·  Noise – referred to nos. 10 -12 which have noise problems

·  Concern for refuse collection, which at 10 -12 was always overflowing

·  Concern about impact of the first floor extension


The applicants were present to make representations at the meeting.


Members felt the design was unsightly and that there were inadequate details on waste, the density was too high there would be disamenity arising from noise transference arising from the change of use.  The applicants have not demonstrated how the application would not affect the vitality of the parade.



RESOLVED:    That planning permission be refused on the following grounds:


1.  The applicant has failed to demonstrate that the loss of an active ground floor use would not result in harm to the vitality and viability of the local shops in the area which provide a valuable amenity to local residents.  The proposal is therefore considered to be contrary to Policy 1.10 part ii of the Southwark Plan 2007.


2.  The proposal, by reason of the location of the bin, recycling and cycle storage immediately behind the front boundary wall, together with the detailed design of the front elevation in particular the single ground floor window to no. 16 Upland Road, would fail to respond positively to its surroundings.  The inappropriate design of the front elevation and the cluster of storage in front of the building would represent an incongruous feature within the street detrimental to the visual amenity of adjoining properties and other people in the local area.  As such the proposal is contrary to Policy 3.2 Protection of Amenity, 3.7 Waste Reduction, 3.12 Quality in Design and 3.13 Urban Design of The Southwark Plan 2007.


3.  The proposed accommodation represents a cramped and over converted development offering a poor standard of accommodation for future residents by reason of the undersized studio unit the limited depth of the front light well with the cluster of structures in front resulting in a poor level of light and ventilation to the basement dwellings, the lack of private outdoor space and the high density arising from the number of proposed habitable rooms within the building., adversely affecting the amenity of neighbouring occupiers and of future occupiers of the building by virtue of noise transmission The proposal  is therefore contrary to Policies 3.2  Protection of Amenity, 3.11 Efficient Use of Land, 3.12 Quality in Design, 4.1 Density and 4.2 Quality of Residential Accommodation of  The Southwark Plan 2007 and the Residential Design Guidance in the Supplementary Planning Document 2008



The meeting closed at 8.30pm









Supporting documents: