Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Commission Work Programmes 2022-23

To consider and agree work programmes for the overview and scrutiny committee and its commissions for the 2022-23 year.


The chair and vice-chair of overview and scrutiny committee and the commission chairs went through the proposed initial work programme areas for overview and scrutiny committee and the scrutiny commissions.  Other committee members also provided comment on the proposed work programmes.  Following discussion the committee agreed the initial work programmes for overview and scrutiny committee and the commissions for the 2022-23 year.




1.  That the initial overview and scrutiny committee and scrutiny commission work programmes for 2022-23 be as follows:


Overview and Scrutiny Committee


·  Annual Budget Setting Process

·  Housing Revenue Account

·  Climate Emergency Fund (from a budget perspective)

·  Council Performance Quarterly monitoring

·  Digital strategy & customer access

·  Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion framework

·  Annual Workforce Strategy

·  Regeneration – operations such as on the Old Kent Road, viability benchmarking, etc.

·  Cost of Living Emergency

·  Central London Bus Review

·  Support for Southwark’s LGBTQ+ communities


Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission


·  Falling school roles

·  Impact on business in the face of the cost of living crisis


Housing and Community Safety Scrutiny Commission


·  Housing Repairs

·  Safer Neighbourhood Teams

·  LGBTQ+ Hate Crime and Phobia

·  Empty Homes

·  Cost of living Crisis and support to residents

·  Engagement Structures - particularly around support to TMOs and support for new TMOs, and how the council engages with housing associations.


Health and Social Care Scrutiny Commission


·  GP Surgeries Appointments

·  Integrated Care Systems - Implementation

·  NHS Workforce Scrutiny Review, (continuation from previous year’s scrutiny review).


Environment and Community Engagement Scrutiny Commission


·  Climate Finance

·  Sustainable Freight

·  Planning regulations (how they might restrict the ease with which residents can make carbon saving around their homes)

·  Community Engagement (tbc)


2.  That the environment and community engagement scrutiny commission request a progress update on previous scrutiny recommendations in respect of Air Pollution and Air Quality.


3.  That in respect of the Climate Emergency, overview and scrutiny committee request a quarterly update on how the council is doing against the smart targets, and that the relevant cabinet member be invited to the next meeting to provide an update on this.

Supporting documents: