Agenda item


To endorse the leadership and governance arrangements for fulfilling NHS Southwark’s responsibilities for safeguarding children and to note the main findings and recommendations of the Protection of Children in England: A progress Review 2009.


To also note the publication of a local declaration and the primary care trust child protection activity for 2009.




1.  That the leadership and governance arrangements for fulfilling NHS Southwark’s responsibilities for safeguarding children be endorsed.


2.  That the main findings and recommendations of the Protection of Children in England: A Progress Review (2009) be noted and the proposed actions in respect of the Safeguarding Children Revew be supported.


3.  That the publication of the local declaration that specifies that NHS Southwark is satisfied that safeguarding arrangements are in place as a requirement of Care Quality Commission Core Standards for Better Health be noted.


4.  That the PCT child protection activitiy for 2009 and the NHS Southwark’s compliance with its responsibilities in relation to child protection be noted.

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