Agenda item

The council's Statement of Case for appeals in relation to New City Court 4-26 St Thomas Street, SE1 9RS - 2018 scheme (18/AP/4039 and 18/AP/4040)


The planning officer presented the report to the committee.


There were no ward councillors present to speak.


The committee discussed this report and asked further questions of planning officers.


A motion to agree the recommendations in the report and addendum was moved, seconded and put to the vote and declared carried.




1.  That it be noted that appeals for non-determination have been received in respect of planning application reference 18/AP/4039 and application for listed building consent reference 18/AP/4040, that these major applications which would normally have been considered and determined by planning committee but will now be determined by the Secretary of State.


2.  Note that a planning inspector has been appointed to report to the Secretary of State and that a planning inquiry has been listed with a time estimate of 14 days commencing on the 19 July 2022.


3.  That the Statement of Case at Appendix 1 which has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and includes the likely reasons for refusal of the applications had they not been appealed for non-determination has been considered and endorsed. These likely reasons for refusal relate to the following topics:


-  The proposed development would give rise to less than substantial harm to a number of designated heritage assets, and the harm is not outweighed by public benefits.


-  Poor design, harm to townscape and local character (including sustainable design matters)


-  Lack of a section 106 agreement.


-  Other matters where the proposal does not comply with development plan policies (servicing, and daylight and sunlight impacts to surrounding properties)


-  In the absence of an appropriate planning permission for replacement extensions and external elements that would ensure the grade II listed buildings are made weather-tight (following demolition of the modern extensions) and are rebuilt with a scheme in an appropriate design, materials and detailing, the proposal fails to safeguard the special historic and architectural interest of the listed buildings on the site.


Supporting documents: