Agenda item

Mental Health Issues for Children and Young People Presentation


Dr Jenny Taylor, head of clinical services undertook a presentation to committee on mental health issues for children and young people with the following points highlighted in the presentation:


·  Looked after childrenfour times more likely to experience challenges with their mental health problems compared to children living with birth families

·  Outlining core challenges – not having their needs met in early years, experiencing trauma and at least one total break in attachment relationship

·  Challenges to mental health that included:

o  Innate challenges – temperamental differences and vulnerabilities, neurodiversity

o  No replacement attachment bond formed

o  Lack of as a story they can live with about themselves and birth family

o  Further changes of placement

o  Lack of family home to remain connected to when moving in to adult life

o  Access to engaging flexible provision of specialist psychological and pharmacological interventions.

·  Identified that there is a lot already being done in Southwark to try to reduce the challenges they face to having good mental health.


Summary of points raised by the committee following the presentation by Dr Jenny Taylor:


·  Mental health challenges and what is required in policy terms to address. Explained that preventative work already being undertaken to keep families stronger. A focus of  the preventative policy was to make use of and keep birth families connected for ongoing support

·  Issues that some of the children and young people are not living in Southwark and concern that these do not fall through the safety net. Dr Jenny Taylor explained that there was desire to achieve a standard child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) service to alleviate differences in provision. Identified issues in respect of placements with significant geographical distance and the resource challenges that prevail. It was suggested that a briefing / paper to address these particular issues and variations that may occur be prepared

·  National standards referenced but acknowledged that Southwark would offer over and above this standard.




1.  That the presentation be noted and a copy be sent to members of the committee.


2.  That a briefing / paper be developed in response to challenges of child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) provision for children and young people out of borough.