Agenda item


To receive performance monitoring information in respect of the delivery of the Borough Plan.


Councillor Rebecca Lury, Cabinet Member for Finance, Business and Jobs provided the committee with an update on performance against the delivery of the Borough Plan.  The committee also heard from Duncan Whitfield, Strategic Director of Finance and Governance and Joseph Brown, Cabinet and Public Affairs Manager.


Councillor Rebecca Lury, Cabinet Member for Finance, Business and Jobs, took the report as read.  She informed the committee that the focus of the report had been very much on the response to the Covid pandemic and the impact that had on the council’s ability to deliver on the new Borough Plan.  Councillor Lury explained that the report contained a mixture of the different commitments from the old Borough plan and the new Borough Plan and that from Quarter 4 (September) all reporting would be against the new Borough Plan commitments and would therefore be able to communicate the position much more clearly. This report summarised the outcomes of quarters 1, 2 and 3 performance challenge rounds that had taken place. 


Following the cabinet members introduction, questions and discussion took place around the following:


·  Detail to be included in subsequent reporting, indicating the actual performance against the measures, and how performance would be measured.

Councillor Lury explained that the end of year report would include the targets for 2020/21 along with the then RAG rating for the end of the year, and would also include targets for 2021/22 as well.  The end of year report would also provide a clear indication of how the council was delivering against the plan in that financial year.  There would be a narrative under each performance measure that would provide detail of what had been achieved.


Councillor Lury further explained that the intention was to also highlight in the reports areas that the overview and scrutiny committee might be interested in, which could then be followed up with the individual cabinet members through the cabinet member interview process.


The chair invited committee members to contact Councillor Lury ahead of the July meeting to communicate how they wanted the information presented.




That the Borough Plan performance challenge update report be noted.

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