Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Committee - Workplan 2009-10

In addition to considering the work plan the committee are also asked to note the process in place for Speakerbox to seek an alternative name for the Corporate Parenting Committee.




  1. That the following changes be made to the committee’s work plan for 2009/10:


February 11 2010


·  Apprenticeship report from Head of Organisational Development.

·  Children Missing from Care.

·  Children Looked After performance report – latest figures.

·  Report on best practice from other authorities and how best corporate parenting committee can support children and young peoples needs.

·  Feedback/update from Speakerbox event including issue of name change of committee.

·  The Pledge.

·  “Tell it as it was”.



March 25 2010


·  Children Looked After Performance Indicators 2009-10 Quarter 4

·  Partnerships Strategy and Action Plan to support children and care leavers accessing employment, education and training - invites to key figures in apprenticeship schemes including 14-19, Head of Southwark Works and Connexions to hear views.



Supporting documents: