Agenda item


(to follow)


Councillor Richard Livingstone announced that he would not take part in the discussion or decision making on this item, because he wished to speak on the application in his capacity as a ward councillor.


Planning application number: 20/AP/0009




Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site to construct a part two, part ten, part eleven storey (AOD +44.61m) building comprising of 105 units (Use Class C3) 100% affordable by habitable rooms, 1,439 sqm of light industrial space (Use Class B1) including service yard, cycle storage and associated plant rooms.  This application represents a departure from strategic policy 10 'Jobs and Businesses' of the Core Strategy (2011) and Saved Policy 1.2 'Strategic and Local Preferred Industrial Locations' of the Southwark Plan (2007) by virtue of proposing to introduce residential accommodation in a preferred industrial location.


The committee heard the officers’ introduction to the report and the addendum report.


Members of the committee asked questions of the officers.


The objectors addressed the committee, and answered questions put by the committee.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the committee, and responded to questions put by the members of the committee.


There were no supporters living within 100 metres of the development site who wished to address the committee.


Councillors Richard Livingstone, Evelyn Akoto and Michael Situ addressed the meeting in their capacity as ward councillors, and answered questions put by the committee.


At 9.55pm the meeting adjourned for a screen break and to allow a member of the committee to restart their computer after a software update. The meeting resumed at 10.02pm, with members of the committee putting further questions to the ward councillors.  


After this, Councillor Richard Livingstone left the virtual meeting room.


Members of the committee asked further questions of officers and discussed the application.


A motion to adjourn this item was moved, but did not receive a seconder and therefore fell.


A motion to adjourn the meeting to consider the drafting and validity of any potential reasons for refusal, with the benefit of advice from officers, including the legal officer was proposed, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.


The meeting adjourned from 10.25pm and resumed at 11.12pm.


A motion to defer the item and rehear it at a future meeting was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared lost.


A motion to refuse planning permission for this application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried. 




That planning permission for application number 20/AP/0009 be refused on the following grounds:


1.  Lack of social rented housing, contrary to policy 4.4 of the Southwark Plan


2.  Lack of private amenity space for each resident, contrary to policy 3.12 of the Southwark Plan


3.  The high density of the proposal in terms of habitable rooms per hectare, which is not mitigated because of the proposal’s lack of exemplary design.

Supporting documents: